Saturday 6 August 2016



The wings I found 'neath Autumn tree,
A set for you and a set for me.
We've waited all this time to find
Another soul...a witch to bind.

With golden threads we stitch and sew
These props of fancy there to grow.
But props they are, and props they'll be
Til you and I can be set free.

We never needed wings to fly,
Only ever the will to try.
But we stitch them on and sew them tight,
Our spray of feathers, mine black, yours white.

And like a pair of fearless wraiths,
We take our final leap of Faith,
To meet in pure and endless rapture,
A moment of true bliss to capture.

And as we feel our threads untie,
With impending doom we cry.
But instead the gold entwines
Around our hearts, both yours and mine.

And as they start to beat as one
We turn to Dust, our work here done!

© Alanda Calmus 2009

Saturday 4 April 2015

More adventures in plumbing!

I am feeling ever so slightly awesome after quite a disastrous night. I started wallpapering dining room at 9am (yes, it's a little late but I'm a night owl) and was getting on great. Decided to push on at midnight because it was going so well. Then, as I was trying to excavate some particularly stubborn old wallpaper from the back of the radiator with the dodgy bracket, I accidentally knocked the whole thing off the wall causing it to spring a fairly persistent leak all over the floor. Picture this.... Sweet, demure little me, trying to lift a very heavy radiator, to the tune of the sort of swearing that would make a sailor blush, as I was unable to remount it on wall. Trying not to panic, I switched off the thermostatic valve, the boiler and closed valve on other side of the radiator. With it still dripping, I propped the whole thing up with blocks of wood from the shed, more swearing. I then mopped up the water with towels and placed a baking tray under the drip, drip, drip! Panicking a little bit, I phoned a friend who is a plumber by trade and at 12.30 am, the poor sleepy soul helped me to understand of how the system worked so that I panicked less. Still concerned by the constant dripping and expecting to have to stay up all night while, I sat and watched YouTube plumbing tutorials with cup of tea whilst swapping out baking trays full of water. Managed to out exactly what the problem was but unfortunately needed pipe freezer to be able to work on it without draining system because the leak was at a live feed point. So, unable to do anything more until the morning, I got my calculator and worked out the rate of dripping and exact length of time before I would have a full tray of water to empty. Decided it was safe to go to bed (now 3.30 am) and try to sleep for a few hours.... Could not sleep!!! Phonecall from other half around 5.30 am telling me to call a plumber, by which time I already had a plan and had been sleeping soundly. Couldn't get back to sleep so after a bit I got up and went to B&Q early for supplies. Anyway, even longer story cut slightly shorter, I have now fixed the leak all by myself and it cost me just £30. I have also removed the radiator and I'm now just deciding whether to fix the brackets for the original scabby radiator or buy a nice anthracite one to match the new decor. At least now I can finish my wallpapering which was so rudely interrupted by unnatural disaster last night.

Side note : this is not my first foray into plumbing and I'm seriously thinking of taking it up for a living. I may well be more successful at that than my painting!

Thursday 5 March 2015

Don't sweat the small stuff.

Worn and weary, breaking down
Old outdated ways to frown.
Time to realise nothing's new,
Only how I choose to view.

Sometimes hard to remember 
January to December,
Only man made constructions
Not relevant to our instructions.

Our individuality's the key,
To take our time to learn to see
The truth behind the grand facade, 
The experiences to be had.

Learn to navigate the storm,
Enjoy it when the sun does warm.
See the light and feel the love,
Never mind the clouds above.

Before long our time is done,
Then we all return to one.
No more the need to fuss and fight
Everything just is..... Alright?

Thursday 27 March 2014

Background, Books and Blessings.

As I approach the three year anniversary of the life shattering event that prompted the birth of the Red Dress Art and subsequent Book of Inspiration, I am once again shaken out of my usual every day contentment to reflect on that event and the major ways that it has permenantly affected my life.
Very, very few people are privvy to the details of my trauma which came on the back of an unexpected and difficult break up. Most people thought that my upset was due to that break up, which was somewhat embarrassing as I would never have allowed that comparatively insignificant event to have such a devastating effect on me, but it was an adequate smoke screen to the real event at the time so for that I am grateful.
There's no denying that I was at a low point because of the break up (a total blessing in disguise I see now and a very lucky escape), it came out of the blue, in a very cold and detached way and left me confused and in shock. I lost a lot of weight very quickly and went from 9st 10lb to a few lbs under 9st in the space of a week and was at a very low ebb. I could not have imagined that life was about to get so inconceivably worse. I am not able to share the details of what happened next and believe me when I say that if you were to try and guess you would likely be wrong so I must skip on to the next part of the story, to the aftermath and my road to recovery.
I was very lucky to have one incredible friend who I could trust and count on to come and support me through the early days and that was a literal life saver. From there I worked on a need to know basis where only a very few people who were close to me that I needed additional support from were allowed to know. That was a strange time, I was in permanent shock unable to show emotion in regards to my trauma, so when I told people, I was like stone. It was as if I detached from myself entirely and watched with puzzlement as the person I had just told broke down in tears for me. I couldn't attach myself to their emotion because then it would be real and it would be me. Don't get me wrong, I shed gallons of tears but I could only attach them to the stupid break up. It was safe for me to cry over that so I poured all of my emotion into that instead which became a necessary outlet for my pain but didn't help my case with those that weren't in the know who must have wondered why I was all broke up over a total jerk! Oh well, who cares now?
I realised very quickly that I would have to pull myself together by whatever means. I had my son's welfare to consider and I needed to be a parent. In the early days I did whatever I could to get the help I needed to recover, doctors appointments, counselling, reiki and even hypnotherapy. I had started drinking more than I should to dull my senses but realised that it was just making matters worse so I stopped. I knew I needed a clear head and to take control of my life. I worked really hard on my mental and physical wellbeing in those first few weeks. I was kind to myself. I did what felt right to me and I made the odd mistake along the way but each time I learned from my mistakes and each day I became a little bit stronger. I didn't push myself too hard to deal with the emotional aspects at first. I mostly dealt with that side of things in my dreams and boy did I do some fighting there. These days the dreams have changed and become less frequent. Back then they were full of anger and violence on my part. Nowadays they trick me into thinking everything is ok and then comes the realisation that it's not and that's were the sadness lies. Sometimes I feel that that's worse.
I eventually got myself to a place where I could put my trust in someone new and that's perhaps given me the biggest chance for recovery. I was lucky enough to meet the wonderful man who is now my husband. My ability to offer trust has repaid itself by giving me an incredible relationship that I didn't think possible. Trust, openness and communication are in my mind the key to my current happiness and I fully intend to nurture these qualities and continue to strive for a full and content life.
Now, about the paintings and the book, where does that fit in? Well, let me tell you a story. Not long after my trauma I went to see a dear lady who happens to be very spiritually connected to the universe. I hesitate to call her psychic because of the stigma attached but I went to see her for some insight and to help me gain perspective and direction. Surprisingly, she focused less on the event itself and more on my artwork. She gave me some methods to try and tap into my more creative side and to enable me to work more intuitively. My first attempt was just a mass of colours and shapes which made no sense to me at first but the next day I started to see the picture in it and it made perfect sense. The next one was the start of the Red Dress series. I don't know where she came from or why she is always in silhouette but there she was, standing alone, staring off into the darkness and that's where her journey (and mine) began. Each picture in the book is in the order it was painted, they are all simple images but they all have deeper meaning to me. The hope is that they connect with the viewer in a personal and individual way too. When it came to writing the words that accompany each picture, that was an idea that came naturally about a year after the event. I felt that the paintings had more to offer. Looking back on my own recovery, I decided to share the key points that helped me get to where I am now. I spent time looking at each painting I'd produced individually and reflected on where I was on my journey at that time! what trials I was facing and what helped me get through them. The words flowed naturally and have changed very little from my first drafts. They came straight from my heart and I truly hope that they reach yours.
It was a struggle to turn the book into a reality. There was a huge amount of work and hours put into the design and layout on my part, it took months, and then trying to find a suitable printer that could produce the images in the way I wanted them to be seen. In the end I found a local Eco-friendly printer that would print on high quality recycled paper so that my book would be not just good for the soul but good for the planet too. Printing a small run of books is very, very expensive so my next big task was the funding. I couldn't afford to print the books unless I had pre-orders. A Kickstarter campaign seemed a great way to get my project off the ground but that in itself was a lot of work. Unfortunately, after the 30 days I had not reached my goal for funding but most of the kind people who had offered to back the project still came through for me and I was able to print my book. I am hugely grateful to those people for their support.
Since the book has been available I have sold over a third of the limited number of 150. All books are personally signed and numbered and in some cases, on request, I have written a personal message of encouragement inside for the recipient. I have had lots of very touching feedback which makes me feel like my intention to help has been fulfilled. If some good can come from my experiences to help you in yours then I know it's all been worthwhile.
Thank you for your interest in my story.

Buy The Girl in the Red Dress Book of Inspiration here.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Long overdue update

It's been an awfully long time since I last did this. So what have I been up to?
Well, let me think...

Back in May, I took a recently finished oil painting to a local gallery to see if I could get a print made from it for a friend. All my equipment was playing up after an upgrade of my system so I couldn't do it. I was delighted when the gallery owner said how much he liked the painting and could he hang it in the gallery and make prints to sell. My answer was, of course yes, yes and YES! He also asked to see my other work and so I took everything I had ever done over to him on a memory stick. He liked loads of my older pieces and will be creating prints from them to sell in the gallery. That original painting I took to him sold just yesterday and the lady that bought it wants to commission me to paint two more scenes for her.

I also started work on a series of pastel sunsets for a solo exhibition next year but dammit they just keep selling before I get a chance to build a body of work.

I have had a few portrait commissions on the go too, so work is pretty busy for me lately which is super. Christmas is fast approaching so I suspect there will be more to come especially as I am offering 20% off my pastel portraits until the end of November.

In other news I got married on 31st July to the wonderful Mark Davidson who makes everything in life shiny and bright for me. We had a lovely quiet ceremony tailored just for us and it was a perfect day in all respects.

So far it's been a busy year. I have also been working to get a book of my Girl in the Red Dress artwork published by trying to gain some funding via Kickstarter. The idea for this came about after I produced a series of paintings which formed part of a healing journey for me after a traumatic life event that I am unfortunately unable to share the details of. The paintings were simplistic but each one bore a deeper meaning within it's symbolism. I decided to put my own word of wisdom to accompany each image as inspiration for surpassing life's challenges. My hope was to self-publish the book to offer support to others who may be struggling at various times on their own journeys.
Unfortunately there are now only 10 days left of my campaign and it looks as though I may not make my target of the production costs. If you feel that this is a worthy endeavour please consider supporting me by pledging through the Kickstarter site. No funds will be taken from you or received by me unless the goal is reached so help me by sharing the project with others and spreading the word. There are lots of nice incentives for pledging in the form of Red Dress greetings cards, prints, original artwork and the book itself of course, all have a value of more than the pledge amount and could be delivered in time for Christmas if the project goes ahead.
Maybe, with your help and a little miracle, this last 10 days could be the making of it.

Lots of exciting projects to keep me going art wise and I'm enjoying it immensely. I am starting to feel as if my dear psychic lady may have been right when she told me to persevere with my artwork as I would make it big over the next few years after struggling to get noticed for so long. Thank you Lilla Bek, for giving me the incentive to keep at it, I am just starting to see results.

I will try to do a better job of keeping up with this blog from now on but for now I must get back to the easel. These masterpieces won't paint themselves you know? ;)

Saturday 16 March 2013

Thoughts from a Bridge

I am currently in the process of self publishing a 'Little Red Book of Inspiration' based around the personal journey I was on when I produced my series of Red Dress pastel paintings in 2011.

Whilst editing my writing today, I came across some pieces of poetry that I wrote a good few years ago now. As not many people have ever read these I thought I would add them to my blog. Make of them what you will. They don't necessarily mean to me what they would appear on the surface. This is the first one.

Thoughts from a Bridge
© Alanda Calmus 2008
I still remember that sweet night when I walked upon the air,
With Super Novas in my eyes and the Cosmos through my hair.
Solar flares, like burning ribbons of gold flowed from my hands,
And broken dreams, like Autumn leaves, lay trampled all around.

The blame for this, I cannot tell, when life goes so astray,
A tapestry of dark and light, always just about to fray!
Disillusioned and bewildered, nowhere to look, but down,
Wandering with wits so sharp, all alone, never touching the ground.

A web of silver beneath my feet, a memory of life, a whisper away,
Images left behind, dissolve and fade to grey.
Cruel the sound, heard from above, stark reality screams through.
It touches the soul with piercing shard, so clear and pure and true.

Looking up, I will not fall! Grief and ecstasy entwined,
Warm the heart with chestnut hue of silken locks enshrined.
All this played out under leaden sky. Feel my heart so full of pain.
Hold me tightly through this storm and lead me through the rain.

Let the water wash away the thoughts of yester-year,
An empty vessel left behind to fill anew, my Dear.
But let it not fill to the brim and stop… bring the next and let it flow,
A constant balance to be tipped and forever bowed.

For if there be nought left here to learn and stagnancy prevail,
I, for one, could not endure the woe that would entail.
No more the interest in the light, I’d hide away mine eyes,
And let the blanket fold across to drown my weary sighs.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Springing into action

It's around this time of year that a lot of people's thoughts turn to Spring cleaning. This is not usually the case for me. However this year it feels particularly poignant to have a big clear out and make time to fix those little niggly things that have needed doing for so long especially before my attention turns to my next, potentially quite long, art project.

The last few years for me have seen massive change, upheaval, uncertainty and tragedy. More latterly I have seen personal growth, healing, stability, trust and love. Now is the time to build upon that foundation something enduring, strengthened with a true sense of purpose and a clear direction. I feel more motivated than ever to create something that will truly define me and my journey through this life.

I have never been a particularly tidy person, nor very well organised in general. I have been a terrible one for hoarding things, always finding it hard to let go. I hate waste and don't see it as such a bad thing to want to be able to repair, re-use or recycle things. In this day and age I feel it is even more important to adopt this attitude which seems to have been quite lost in the age of consumerism. My problem lies in never actually getting round to the 3 Rs and instead collecting all my unusable stuff and cramming it into cupboards or, worse still, my work room which should be my sacred space. I wish to rectify this as I can no longer live under the pressure of all my clutter and no longer want to.

It has taken me time to adjust to this decision, so far only working in baby steps but at least I have been moving forwards however slowly. I feel that I am better able now and more willing to take bigger steps towards decluttering and what better time to initiate a full soul cleansing clear out than as we approach Spring. This is my favourite time of year, full of budding potential, bringing new growth and fresh ideas.
So without further ado, I'm off to clear out my darkest spaces, cast off the shackles of the past and let in the light so I may be transformed. I will leave you with this, a little something that came to me today as I was walking my tiny dog round the lake near my house.

Like the Earth, I am growing.
Like the Air, I am blowing.
Like the Fire, I am glowing.
Like the Water, I am flowing.
Like the Spirit, I am knowing.

And just for fun I'd like to add: Like the Peacock, I am crowing! ;-)