Wednesday 25 January 2012

Tiny Peruvians versus Technology

Now that I have committed myself to keeping this blog updated I am struck by a dilemma. What should I write about?

This first thing that was in my head this morning was a very peculiar dream I had last night but as I went through my ritual of trying to get my netbook to load and behave itself a whole new line of thought opened up regarding my need for better technology. So which will it be?

I figure I'll get the dream out of the way as it is short but quite bizarre. So here goes:

I dreamt about tiny Peruvians, wearing fleecy babygrows, eating raw brussel sprouts in a train station.....

WTF??!! I am seriously concerned for my own mental well being here. I cannot pin any of that down to stuff I have thought about or seen on TV recently and, quite frankly, it's just not constructive dreaming.

Here are some examples of what I consider to be constructive dreaming: Sometimes I'll dream about a situation in my life or people that I'm pissed off with. In the dream, I may end up argueing with them or putting a hatchet through their head, there's usually a fair amount of swearing (a hatchet in your head will do that to you) but at least with that sort of dream I can say "yeah, you know what? I've got some issues there that I'm not dealing with in waking life so I'm escalating the problem in my subconscious", I get that. That makes sense. Even those dreams where my car's rolling down the street with me in the back seat unable to put the brakes on have a clear message about how I'm feeling in real life. And of course, there's the, all important, needing to use the toilet dream! The one where I'm unable to find anywhere to pee that's not filthy or that has a proper cubicle door instead of a half size one that everone can see over. This is the very useful dream that stops me peeing the bed in the mornings. (I dread to think what might happen if I ever found a nice clean private toilet).

As you can see, these dreams have some message for me that I can work out, however tenous the link to reality, but brussel sprout eating, fleecy, Peruvians? Nope, that one is beyond me.

In order to give this particular dream some significance in my life I have decided to commit it to paint. I often turn certain dreams into ideas for paintings when they contain such strong images, I have a notebook full of them. Although I can't imagine how this one will turn out as a painting, I am willing to give it a go just for the fun of it so watch this space. I will call Untitled! Well, really, what on earth could you call such a thing? Answers on a postcard, please.


  1. How about just simply "Abstract Dream #1"?

    On a related note, have the men in the white coats turned up yet?

  2. Haha, yes, in fact they did but I hid behind the sofa and pretended I was just a giant ball of fluff.
